EP 1: How to make an alternative life... on water.

Posted on 30th November, 2021

'Into the Blue Crew' EP 1: How to make an alternative life... on water. Join us on a journey into the blue as we design an alternate life on water. Videos will be made monthly of life unfolding or unravelling as we endeavour to reconnect with nature for better or worse. Taking a step back from the routines we inherit and pass from generation to generation. To try something new that the template of modern living often prevents.


Self-building, living, birthing, adventuring, sailing and nurturing new life and ideas. In this first totally eclectic episode we flashback to our chaotic beginnings and inspirations for our life on water. Kinda going backwards to go forwards to try explain the why, when and the what the hell of our journey. Yes, it is a mess and probably won't make any sense at all, but hey... we tried, please stick with us ;-) The journey spans an El Niño storm winter, 100mph wind, marina fire, flooding, and boat home births.

A life-changing journey where we truly learn to respect the forces of nature.


More videos coming soon, please subscribe and join us on this journey: 

Featuring music from our friends and yours: Hope & Social: www.hopeandsocial.co.uk

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