Into the Blue Crew


Join us on a journey into the blue as we design an alternate life on water. Videos will be made monthly of life unfolding or unraveling as we endeavor to reconnect with nature for better or worse. 

About Us:


We are a family of four from the UK, exploring life as we find it on our home on the water. Taking a step back from the routines we inherit and pass from generation to generation. To try something new that the template of modern living often prevents. Self-building, alternate living, boat birthing, adventuring, sailing and nurturing new life with a journey of ever changing perspectives.


Please join us on our social media accounts to keep in touch as we sail on to new destinations. The journey is not just the landscape of the adventure but also about the people we meet on the way. 


Always a new episode coming soon at:


Contact Us:


sail (at)



Please support our journey and join the crew at PATREON - INTOTHEBLUECREW